Are minors required to have the consent of a guardian?
New York State does not require minors to have parental or guardian consent.
What should I expect after the procedure?
It is normal to experience moderate cramping which which can be relieved by an over-the-counter pain medication. Intermittent bleeding, no heavier than a normal period can be experienced for up to three weeks.
When can I resume normal activities?
Dr. Press recommends an easy day the day of the termination . Normal activities may be resumed 24 hours after the procedure.
Does abortion affect future fertility?
When abortion is provided in a safe setting, it will not affect future fertility.
What is Sweet Home Medical’s policy on confidentiality?
Sweet Home Medical complies with all HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations. Confidentiality is one of our top priorities. We require our patients to sign a HIPAA form that explains that no information can be provided to anyone except your insurance provider. If you would like information released, proper photo identification and a signature is required.
When should I expect my first period?
Your period will return 4-6 weeks after the procedure.
What restrictions do I have after the procedure?
Dr. Press requires nothing in the vagina for three weeks: this includes tampons, sexual intercourse, swimming and hot tub use.
If your question is not addressed here, please call our office during weekday business hours and we will assist you further.